Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pineapple Martini

What to do with an over-sized Martini glass??? Why, make a pineapple martini of course! My roommate Alex was asking if it's possible to propagate a pineapple he got from the market. And of course I jumped at the opportunity. In its previous life this tacky glass was used as a receptacle for wine corks...that filled up a little too fast(Yes! I love me some wiiiine.)

I love recycling the fruits and veggies I get from the market. One time I replanted the rooted bottoms of a handful of green onions. In fact, they are still down in my garden; last week I added fresh diced green onions to my scrambled eggs. Now I don't know if I'll manage to grow an entirely new edible pineapple, but it'll be fun and experimental enough to watch it grow.


  1. Love it! I've only seen pineapple growing in a garden in Hawaii, I was quite surprised at hos short and funny-looking the plant is. Hope it works for you, and neat about the onions, I"ll have to try that sometime! Awesome green comments dealio, you can really see it great now! :)

  2. So much fun, Ronnie! I love your spirit. The header looks wonderful, too with the peppers.
    Best to you,

  3. You know, I belong to the S.F. Bromeliad society and rarely miss a meeting.
    This subject has never come up before.
    I'll have to ask the Bromeliad Guru's about your experiment.
    I hope it works !

    Right now I have a couple of bromeliads blooming in my small rinky dink greenhouse that look amazingly like pineapples.

    Very cool project, and the glass is CLASSIC !
