Friday, February 12, 2010


I seem to have woken from my winter hibernation! Now I know a big slice of the country is covered in more snow than they've seen in a century, but here in San Francisco the cherry trees are now showing off they're candy-pink blossoms. It's been rather rainy, but no doubt spring is in the air.
I've been keeping green by perusing catalogues, patroning the garden section of the library, and tinkering with my indoor jungle. I recently acquired two large palm trees from my work for free. We use them in staging homes so if they're not in absolute tip-top shape, we either sell them or give them away. They have a good home with me!
It's been propagation station here at my place as well. I acquired a sad little snake plant, also from work, and decided to propagate it in three separate methods.

1)I divided the plant at the base 3 ways and planted them individually.

2)Second, I cut off a couple leave stalks and put them in water to root.
3)And third, I took one leave stalk and cut it into smaller pieces, placing each piece BASE-SIDE DOWN into soil.

And below is a photo of one corner of my indoor jungle...together they kind of look like one living creature, don't they? "Feeeed mee, Seeeyymoour!"

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