A couple weeks ago I volunteered with the San Francisco Botanical Society doing some garden work at Strybing Arboretum. Though all they had me do was weed a hillside, I still was granted access into the not-for-public-access greenhouses and nursery to meander and snap some photos. I hadn't been to the Arboretum in a while and had forgotten just how spectacular it is! I kept adding plants to my list of must-haves. Enjoy the photos!
(Above: Leucospermum "Scarlet Ribbon")
(Above: Rhodocoma Gigantea Dekriet)
I was once told by a nursery worker that here in SF the climate is not cold enough for Lilacs because they need a period of dormancy or something...but this guy above looks just fine! I've seen them in various parts of the city as well.
The best part about volunteering???.... making new friends. This guy seemed to be really curious about me.
How cool! I love Strybing, spent many happy hours there when we lived in SF. Cool that you got to see behind the scenes! Nice to have benefits from your kind efforts. I almost stepped on a female mallard by accident the other day, she was right next to the sidewalk and obviously totally unafraid of humans!