{Originally Posted 11/05/08}
Today after much delay I dropped down into the garden to do some much needed fall clean-up. I had all but given up on my squash producing any fruit when I stumbled upon a 1 foot monster. Not sure if it's still edible at this point, but we shall see!
I also harvested a decent ensemble of potatoes.
This year has really been the first year I've experimented with vegetables in my garden. It has been quite a test to see what grows well and what does not in my specific location. One issue I've noticed was that of how much space a plant needs vs. how much produce I can get from what I plant. Next year I will definitely be focusing on this, figuring out ways to grow things vertically to save all the arable land covered by trailing vines.
I also plan to add more organic materials to the garden, continuing to add my homemade compost as well as perhaps experiment with cover crops. I've heard simple fast-growing plants like rye grass are excellent over-wintering crops. You sow the seeds, let them do there thing, and till them under when they are ready. The roots of certain plants will release amendments like nitrogen and help to neutralize the soil. The roots also will aid in breaking up the clay-ish soil I have back there.
Plastic in my Front Garden
1 year ago